Friday, December 31, 2010

Holden is one month old!

WOW! Time sure does fly when your having fun! Holden is one month old, and getting bigger by the second.

I think time is going even faster now with two kids to keep me busy...
ONE MONTH: 22.25 inches, 10.8 lbs

At one month:
Holden you are a mover... you were when you were in my belly so no surprises here.. you are rolling onto your side and are very close to rolling all the way over, I thinking if you had more time on the floor with out big brother trying to "play" with you; you would already have this mastered.... You are holding your head up and looking around. Owen completely fascinates you, you will follow him with your eyes all over the room. I'm thinking its because he moves so quick? You are smiling and we just heard your first little giggle.
You are a great eater, and so far a pretty good sleeper too... I guess those go hand in hand.... you eat well... and then you pass out- sleeping anywhere from 3-6 hours at a time.. (I appreciate this more than you know!)
You love the bath, your play mat, and the bouncy chair...
You are wearing 0-3 months clothes for the most part... outfits with feet you are almost too long for the 0-3 months, but anything any bigger swallows you. You are so long and skinny.
Holden, you have brought such JOY to our family. I can't now imagine life with out you here. You have made our family of 3 into a family of four and things feel so complete. I have enjoyed watching Owen become a caring, nurturing,& loving big brother too. You can see the love in his eyes. He has to check on you all the time, and if you begin to whine or cry he is the first to your side. He also loves to show you off when we have visitors. He can now say "brother" and he points at you. You are one lucky guy to have such a wonderful big brother.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

16 months!

Owen turned 16 months on Tuesday and Holden was 2 weeks old on Tuesday!!!

WOW! I already can't believe how fast things are going..... I believe with Owen I was still laying on the couch wondering what my body had been through.... so to say it was easier the second time around would be an understatement... EVERYTHING has gone so much smoother and I feel so much better than after Owen. Maybe because I knew what to expect?

Ok... So my dear Owen, you are 16 months old... where did the time go! You are now a BIG brother, and you are being a great big brother so far... You are trying to help out in any way you can... and your favorite thing to do is kiss and pat your baby brother..

Now you don't like that mommy and daddy sometimes cover Holden up in "your" blankets... but right now you think everything is "yours", and you should... everything HAS been yours and now all of a sudden there is someone using them... You don't get too upset, you just try and take them away... once we tell you no, you don't really care.

You are growing up a storm, and I am seriously getting slack now for not cutting your hair.. so maybe we will do that soon.

You still only weigh about 21 lbs... but you are getting taller for sure, i am noticing it in your clothes. you were wearing 12 month everything and some 18 month shirts(and they were a little big) i am now noticing that those 12 month onsies are getting too short, and can barely be snapped. You can not wear any of your 12 month pj's anymore either.

You are talking up a storm... over 30 words the last time we counted... and you add more each day.. two new words are plane and train.

You have figured out how to go down the stairs now on your bum..but you still wait for mom or dad to go with you.

You are still sleeping great, most days taking 2 naps, and sleeping through the night. You are trying to give up one of those naps, but I still put you down to rest, you don't complain, you will just play in your crib and relax if you don't actually nap. Once you are bored of that you will call for me or your dad to come get you. I loved hearing your little voice calling for myself or your dad.

You are one loving little boy. It makes me so happy to have a little boy who loves to snuggle, hug and give kisses to us. We just love it!



This was how we spent our thanksgiving! Loving the two cutest boys around!

Holden Suttong Taylor arrived 11-23-2010 @ 1:39 am..... so far he looks just like his big brother!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

15 months!

15 months have come and gone so quickly Owen, and oh how you have changed. You and your little brother are supposed to 15 months apart... that means his arrival should be any DAY! I can't believe you are going to be a big brother! I know you are going to be such a good big brother, because you love babies and are very interested in other children. I can't wait to see the bond you and your brother Holden have and the similarities and differences between the two of you. Let's just hope one thing you have in common is sleeping... it will be very difficult for us to have a non sleeper after you have been a GREAT sleeper.

At 15 months you:
- say over 20 words! I stopped counting when we got to 20 at the doctor the other day.... That is fabulous! You talk all the time and let us know your opinion on the situation.
- You can point out your nose, mouth, ears, eyes, & feet- we are working on other body parts but you seem to get confused when we add any more to the mix.
- You LOVE the outdoors and want to be outside ALL the time. I am not sure how this winter is going to go with you not being able to play outside.
- You are a climbing fool... climbing anything you can, you are not afraid of of falling at all, and this scares me- we are currently trying to figure out how to secure some of our big pieces of furniture- b/c we have found you working your way up.
- you weigh 21 lbs and are 30.5 inches tall.... You are so busy that gaining weight is tough.. you are a pretty good eater. You eat lots of fruit and yogurt-those are your favorites, but you also like most vegetables and pasta. You are not a fan of meat and cheese.

Owen, you make me happier than I ever thought possible. I am thoroughly enjoying being able to stay home with you and watch you grow and learn new things each day. We have so much fun, and your dad is loving everything about you too. You now run to him and give him hugs and kisses as soon as he gets home, and you don't leave his side until its time for bed. You are 100% in love with your daddy - which I love. I love watching you two together it makes my heart smile.

Well next month I will be posting about a 16 month old- and a BIG BROTHER... CRAZY!

I love you sweet boy!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

to cut or not to cut...that is the question?

I am thinking about cutting my BABY'S hair.... i don't even like the idea of it... but I am thinking that it needs to be done....
ummm.... time goes so fast... I am not ready for my BABY to look all grown and stuff with his first haircut!
I thought I had more BABY time... umph!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

14 months!

Today Owen you are 14 months old... It kind of seems unreal to me that my baby is 14 months old...
At 14 months you are:
- still wearing 12 months clothing for the most part. Pants are still somewhat big even in 12 months, you have started wearing some shirts and PJ's that are 18 months.
- your shoes are size 4-5 depending on the brand.
- you are starting to eat good again, the key i think is if and only if you can feed yourself.
- you LOVE milk, the DR said you should only have about 16oz of a milk a day, but you now ask for it, so I often give in. I figure you are asking for milk SO- I let you have it. Wouldn't it confuse you if you asked for milk I gave you water or juice....(at least that's what I tell myself)
- you are going to MMO, and you have a good time- always eat all your lunch- and seem to be worn out when I pick you up. You are always SO happy when I arrive to get you. Your teachers said you are real easy and a very good baby.
- we started going to MOPS this week, I'm not so sure you enjoyed the baby class, next time I will take you to the toddler class(which is for 18 months and older). You were content in the baby class, but I think you will have A LOT more FUN with bigger children.
-you still for the most part take 2 morning and one afternoon, and sleep 11 hours each night. You occasionally wake up at night, asking for milk, i give you a sip and you go right back down.
- you have a fairly large vocabulary between talking and signing:
words you can say: fish, dog, more, dad, mom, elmo, book, shirt, shoes, socks, hat, hot, banana, night-night, no, who's that, what's that
words you can sign: fish, dog, more, eat, milk, socks, shoes, banana, stop

You amaze your daddy and me everyday with new words, we can't keep up with all that you are saying.
You love to cuddle and sign before bedtime, your favorite song is "Sing" you call it La La... and when it the verse of la la's comes you will sing it with me sometimes....
You LOVE kisses and giving them to all your stuffed animals.
You also love to share your sippy cup and food(most of the time half eaten) with us- you always offer what ever you have to others- even to your toys.. :)

Owen you make your dad and I smile everyday! I am so in LOVE with you and watching you grow, learn and change each month brings me so much JOY.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

13 months...

this is long overdue.... We were out of town for ten days when you turned 13 months old.
At 13 months you are looking and acting more like a little boy than a baby. You want to do things by yourself, with no help- you get frustrated sometimes when you can't do it...
You make your daddy and I laugh on a daily basis, you are so funny. We have decided that we hope that never changes, we love the silly boy that you are.
You are changing daily:
You can say so many words: mom, dad, shoe, sock, shirt, no, dog, banana, Elmo, hot, ball, more, & hat...
You are also signing several words: more, banana, leaf, milk, shoes, baby
You surprise us all the time with new words. It is hard to keep up.
You have slowed down on the teething front for a bit and you are sticking with 8(4 on top and 4 on bottom)
as it gets cooler I have relized that the pants I bought in 18 months are WAY too big, you still need 12 month pants, but you are moving into 18 month shirts and PJ's. You are wearing size 4-5 shoe depending on the brand. And size 4 diaper.
You got sick for the first time, running a fever of 103.5 scaring your momma, but it was only a virus. You were pretty pitiful for almost a week.
You are still a great sleeper and at this point I am 31 weeks prego and don't know what I'd do if you didn't sleep well... I don't know how people do it without good sleep. You wear me out.
You are now running and climbing and are go, go, go all the time. (I'm guessing this is why you sleep so well.) You also absolutely LOVE to dance, and have for a while. You will stop and break out some dance moves in the middle of playing, eating, climbing, well what ever you are doing if you hear music.
You flew on an airplane for the first time, and did GREAT! it was so easy. I was a little worried since I was flying with you alone, but it was a piece of cake!
We don't have any more trips scheduled until next spring, and then you will be a big brother.
We keep talking to you about babies(baby is one of your favorite words to sign) and you are very interested in them, but I am not sure how much you really understand. While in NC we visited many friends with new babies, and you were very gentle with them and didn't mind at all that i held them.
Mostly you wanted their bottles and paci's since you don't have them anymore. I am thinking this will be the only issue we have when Holden arrives. You will steal his paci and bottles- I am sure of it.
You are not such a great eater. It seems to not really interest you, which the doctor said was very normal, and that you are too busy to eat. He said as long as you are growing you are getting plenty. So I try my best not to worry about it, but I do.
You will be starting Moms Morning out this week. It's one morning a week, and I know I am going to miss you like crazy! But, I think it will be good for both of us. I know you will love it!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Rough Few Days

The past few days have hit me like a ton of bricks.... Owen had a fever for the first time ever, i watched it closely and once it spiked to 102.1 we headed off to the urgent care. It was Sunday and I first thought Owen was fussy and warm due to some back teeth that I believe are breaking through, but with a fever over 100.... no way! So on to the Urgent Care. We were told Owen has a virus and it could last up to 7 days. :( I know that he will get sick, and we are lucky that he hasn't been sick until now, but man I am one worn out mama!
Since he is not feeling well he is extremely clingy, wanted to be on top on me where ever I am, and sitting and or laying on me. This wouldn't usually be that awful, but at 28 weeks pregnant there isn't that much room, and he insist. So I allow, and by the end of the day I feel like I have been beaten up. Having a one year old lay on you at 28 weeks pregnant is not so comfortable. And makes for long days.
As of today, I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and believe in a few more days this will all be behind us, but until then, I guess I will be a human pillow as needed for my little one who is under the weather.

Tonight I go to orientation for the Moms Morning Out Program that Owen will begin in 2 weeks. I am excited for him, but I think I will miss him terribly while he is gone. He will go once a week, for 3 hours.. I know that it will be good for both of us to have a little space, and before Holden arrives in November it will be nice for one morning to catch up on my to-do list.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Holy Smokes! I can not believe I am writing this! Owen you turned ONE this past weekend. Your daddy and I are still trying to find out where the time went. We talk about this all the time. I guess time does fly when you are having fun! And boy are we having fun! We are having the times of life.
At ONE you:
*are walking and running all over the place. Climbing stairs is a favorite.
*weigh 20.5 lbs, and are 29.5 inches long
*you are wearing 12 months clothes
*size 3/4 shoe
* size 4 diaper
* are talking: you say; "who's dat?"(who's that?) to just about everybody we encounter in a day, even myself and your daddy. But if we ask you "who's that" you will answer dada or mama..(i love it!); you also say: no, mama, dada, and moe (more): You are talking up a storm, and the doctor told us you were far advance socially...
* you love to play with other children, and will bring toys to them, and talk to them when we are at playgroup. You babble all of the time when around other children... i wish i knew what was going on in that little mind of yours.
* you like to play chase- well you like mommy to chase you. you laugh and squeal the whole time. Sometimes i might just be walking around a room, and will take off running and laughing, of course then i have to go after you! Because you JUST love it!
* your sleep habits have become a chore. I have it down to a science though. If you get 2 good naps, in your crib then you sleep great at night(10 or more hours straight) And that's LOVELY! but if we skip a nap, or are out and about and you nap in the car/stroller you will be up at night at least once sometimes twice. It's great that I know I can count on a good nights sleep most days, but it also makes us stay in more that I would like. Sometimes its just not worth interrupting your nap schedule to get out and about. I do love that when we are at home you nap like a champ! You love to take your naps and almost never throw a fit. I always get in some good cuddle time before your naps too, which i love and wouldn't trade for anything!
* You have found a new love for books, we read to you when you were very little, but once you began moving you wanted nothing to do with sitting still and listening/looking at books with mama or daddy. But now, you bring me books from your stash to read, and you will sit and turn pages on your on while playing on the floor. You have found a new fondness for books and I LOVE it!
* You are eating mostly regular food, and sometimes some baby food. You really like the YoBaby yogurt with fruit and veggies mixed in, so we keep that handy. You have switched to whole milk, and have had no issues, and you drink it up. You are off bottles for the most part during the day, at night that is a different story. (you want that bottle when you are tired) You change your mind daily about what you will and won't eat, so we always try everything that we are eating and then see what you will and won't eat. You seem to really like noodles of any type; with sauce or with out it doesn't matter to you. You also like Yogurt, peanut butter, crackers, and fruit(mango, strawberries, grapes, pineapple, peaches, and applesauce)Vegetables, you are hit or miss, you liked them as baby food, but not so much now that we are giving you the real thing.

So, for your birthday you had several people fly in town to celebrate and about 30 of our family friends came to celebrate. We had a cook out at the park, and you played very hard, and loved every minute of it. You totally racked up on the toys, and I am still trying to find a place for everything, because at this moment toys are taking over our house. (i wouldn't have it any other way, but I am sure I can find some sort of organization :))

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

11 months!

Owen you will be ELEVEN months old tomorrow. I am still trying to figure out how the time went SO fast!
You are now walking, drinking whole milk out of a sippy, and climbing all over the place. You have grown up so quickly. Can you please SLOW down? Just a little?
You are such a busy little man, since you have been moving it tough to get you to sit down and eat ONE good meal. You don't care to much for your high chair unless we are letting you play with your food, and you only care to "play" with really messy things, otherwise you throw a fit at being strapped in. Luckily you only do this at home, and not at restaurants. :)
You weigh 19 pounds little one, that means if you want to turn your seat around when you turn one, you better get to eating- you have one pound to go, or you will be sitting backwards until your 15 month appointment.
On that note; when you are 15 months old you will become a BIG brother to a LITTLE BROTHER! That's right, you are going to have a little brother this coming fall! Mommy and Daddy are so excited for you to become a big brother, we no you are just going to love your little brother and set many GOOD examples for him to follow.
You are talking more and more each day. Words you like to say: DaDa(is your very favorite), MaMa(if you are tired or need some cuddles), No, Mo(more- you also sign this to us).
A few things you say that i think are just repeats for now: ni'ni'(night night- only after we say it) and ba ba(again after we ask if you want a bottle)

I am trying to break you of the bottle as we speak. You will take a sippy cup, and are drinking milk with no problems, UNTIL you are tired. You then only want a bottle, and I am keeping formula in your bottles, and milk only in sippy cups.... SO hopefully by your first birthday we will be done with all bottles. I have taken your pacifier away and you gave it up with no problems. I am so happy this went smoothly, because with another little one on the way I need you off pacifiers and bottles sooner than later, so you will have time to adjust before a little one is using those things.(we already say paci's and bottles are for babies... hoping you will "want" to be mommy's big boy)

We are leaving this week to head to Nashville to visit family and attend a wedding. We have decided to drive and stop half way a visit with friends. I am hoping that you do well in the car. We were just at the doctor yesterday because i was afraid you might have gotten your first ear infection, but luckily that was not the case. Instead the doctor believes your are cutting 4 more teeth.... FOUR... that whats they said... I can only feel one coming through on the bottom, when it pops through you will have 7 pearly whites... we will wait and see if three more are on their way?

Buddy boy you become more fun each day, we have been swimming in the big pool, in the little pool in in yard and you absolutely LOVE the water. You are fearless which scares me a little, but I am so happy you enjoy the pool. I look forward to many of summer spent there, making great memories.

Owen, your mommy and daddy love you more than words can say!
Next month we will be having a BIG celebration! JUST FOR YOU!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

just hanging out!

taking steps!

Owen started taking steps by himself over a month ago, but nothing more than 2 or 3 steps before he gave in and plopped himself down and zoomed away...crawling just seemed more effecient and much faster.

But now he practices his walking all the time, and when he stumbles or looses his balance he stands back up to try again. Crawling is still his #1 mode of transportation, but I am sure not for long...

Monday, June 7, 2010

10 months!

You are TEN months old! You have now been out of my belly longer than you were in my belly! You have changed so very much in the past ten months - it amazes me EVERYDAY! You are seeming to becoming more of a "big boy" each day. You will ALWAYS be my baby though. You have pretty much given up eating all baby food, now I just need you to like your sippy cup better :).
This month we will be making the transition from formula to milk. I am hoping for a smooth transition. We have been letting you try more adults foods, and anything you can feed yourself has been a big hit. So far your favorite is noodles, and any kind of fruit. You make it known that you want to feed yourself, this makes for a very entertaining & messy lunch and dinner time. You have really become a pro at getting every bite in your little mouth.

Here you are sitting on the front porch swing! Such a big boy you are.

This is sometimes how you move. You are SO close to walking and each day you have been taking steps 2, 3, & even 4 without holding on to anything, but you quickly realize how slow you are moving and plop down and zoom away. (you are a real efficient crawler)

The is the face you give me when you think mommy or daddy is chasing you. You love for us to "chase" you. You laugh and laugh SO loud. It makes us crack up with you. You LOVE to have fun, and we love to have fun with you.

"Come on.... try and get me mom!"

I can't believe that I have started planning your FIRST birthday party already! It doesn't seem right, the days are going WAY to quick! BUT in just 8 weeks we will be celebrating! It will be here before we know it! You even have guest flying in for the "BIG" event!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

9 month update

My dear sweet boy, i can't believe 9 months have flown so quickly ( and took so long when you were in my tummy)
You are growing so fast and moving everywhere. you are a full time cruiser, walking along walls, furniture, well lets just say anything to help you balance. You have taken a few steps on your own, but then you realized it and either plop down to your bottom or grab a hold of something in your reach.
We don't go for your 9 month check up until the middle o the month, but I am getting really excited to see how much your ave grown since you last apt at 6 months.
You are really starting to have an opinion about everything! You will not eat baby food if we are eating at the same time and you know there are other options, you will flat out refuse until we share our food with you. You are really picking up on drinking from a sippy cup and enjoy drinking water from it, but not formula. We have had a little bed time battle lately, you are jumping in your bed and climbing on the bumpers(which i have now removed)- you only do this for a moment of revolt, but you quickly give in to your sleep and collapse right on top of the bumpers(why they are removed)- we would have to come and slid you to the middle of the crib once you were sleeping. (not really sure why, but this made dad and I laugh every night)
You are trying to give up napping in your crib, which is totally my fault. The past month or so I have been so tired that I would just lay down with you at nap time, and now that my energy is returning you want to part of napping alone in your crib. We will get there little one, mommy has things to do while you nap.
You have all 4 of your top teeth coming in, well one is in and we can see the other 3. You will then have a grand total of 6 teeth.
You are saying all kinds of sounds...dada, mama, baba and more... but are yet to really use them in the right context.
You are still wearing 9 month and 12 month clothes, and size 2 shoes.
I booked your 1 year photo session today, i can't believe it... you are so close to your first birthday!
Owen, you light up my life more than I ever thought was possible, I am so happy to be your mommy, and spend each day watching you grow, learn, and experience new things. I wouldn't trade this for anything!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

8 months and exciting news :)

Owen my dear, you turned EIGHT months old and are OH so busy now!

You are crawling completely on your own, pulling up on anything you can and even shimmy-ing around the living room holding on to furniture/toys that are on your path. I have a sneaky feeling you won't be crawling long. I think you are moving on to a faster way of transportation.

You are a very good eater, eating just about anything we have tried. There are only two things you will not eat.(carrots and green beans) I have been offering you more grown up food items and you love it! You have eaten noodles, grilled cheese, cheese quesadillas, & all kinds of fruit.

This past month you went on your very first beach trip, it was a little chilly/windy so we didn't hang out much on the beach but you did get to put your toes in the sand and the water... you were very curious about it. You went swimming for the first time and absolutely LOVED it! I think you and I might be pool bums this summer, which is fine with me :).

You still haven't been sick, but I thought you might be and took you to the doctor only to find out you are cutting 5 teeth at one time... yep...FIVE... you have not been the usually happy camper/good sleeper that you are so we are hoping that these teeth break through fast. You already have two on the bottom, and seem to be getting 4 on top and on more on the bottom. I believe once this happens you will try to give up baby food... well you are already trying to eat/steal anything we are eating.

You are wearing either 9 month or 12 month clothes, and size 2 shoes.

This month you also discovered that you are going to be A BIG BROTHER! yep that is right.. sometime around NOVEMBER 21 another little one should be arriving. I think you will be so excited because you love other children and have always been interested in babies.

Owen your daddy and I are head over heels in love with you! We have had the best 8 months ever and look forward to each and evey milestone to come!


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

7 months!

Seven wonderful months have passed us, and oh how quickly they have.

This past Sunday you had your very first photo shoot here at the house! You weren't too happy about it, but I just received the proofs and they are just wonderful! It is amazing how good pictures are if they are taken in your home.

So this past month little one you have changed so much!

Your first and second tooth has pooped through, you are making a lot of headway on the crawling, and can really move yourself around on the floor to get what you want. You seem to go in circles at the moment, and I think that is just enough. I don't think I am ready for you to be a full time mover! I am really enjoying NOT having to chase you yet!

You are eating more and more items, I have began to share what I am eating with you(depending what it is), and you LOVE it! I have made us pancakes a few mornings and I believe they are your favorite. You also love strawberries, avocado, apples, baby puffs, and baby mum mum snacks. You really like feeding yourself any items that are easy to pick up. You smile so big when you succeed with the item in your mouth!

We have been going on outings more often that the weather here has broke, and you love getting out of the house and hanging with other little kiddos, but you also love coming home. I think you recognize our house, because when we get home you smile and giggle as we walk up the walk-way to the front door.

We have had a lot going on this past month, and next month even more! You and I are going to head to the beach with my mom and your aunt Brennan, while daddy's gets the house put back together after all that water damage. (we are pretty lucky- we don't have to deal with it :))

You are growing up before my eyes!
Lots of Love,

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Must Haves

I have seen this trend today and I thought I would follow suit:
At six months these are the things that have been the most use to us.
A walker; to be honest I never wanted a walker- but we were given one and Owen actually loves it. I can put puffs or toys on the tray and he just cruises around the kitchen while I am cooking or doing dishes. We also let him walk around the dinning room when we eat dinner and he just has a blast.

The BUMBO: the best thing ever! We began sitting Owen in his at around 2 months, and we still use it daily with and without the tray.

the perfect snack for a little one learning to feed themselves. Owen loves them, he does make a mess but has a great time doing it. they dissolve too!

This was another gift that Owen loves now that is standing with support.

The bouncy chair, has been my BF on some days, mostly when he was a lot younger but there are times I still put him in there, he's a little big but he still has fun will all those toys. I really enjoy this seat b/c the toys came off.

Toys like this little guy are GREAT! they have a suction and will stick to just about anything: the highchair tray, bumbo tray, walker, and even a table at a restaurant. We have used him for all, and we have a few other suction toys that come in handy for these situations too!

Another infant/baby seat. This chair was a gift and we really like b/c it folds down flat and is easy to travel with. Owen has taken many naps in this seat. It vibrates and play music and cuts off after about 15 minutes.

These have been great lately since we have cut two teeth in the past week. Owen get pretty happy when he sees them too... I think he thinks they are candy! ha!

And yes, another infant seat. The Snoogie seat was another gift that we loved when Owen was a newborn. He slept in this many, many nights, after nursing. I could place this in our bed right in between my husband and I and we all three got some good sleep!

This video i bought for 2$ at the Half Price Books by my house, Owen loves it! He can watch it over and over, we have all the baby Einstein movies and he is just not as in to them as this video.

Last but not least the Exersaucer! I was so hesitant on buying on of these, and then out found this one for 35$ at a consignment sale, and it looked brand new. So I snatched it up and Owen has been playing, jumping, banging, & singing in it since he was a little over 3 months.

Well.... Those are the things we love, and just couldn't live with out!

Friday, February 12, 2010

I am sick....of the snow

This is still what my street looks like and probably will continue to look like this for a while, since we are getting about an inch in flurries everyday around here. The snow at first was amazing...I have never seen this much snow at once(well outside of a ski resort). The snow was so pretty, I looked forward to a few days cuddled up with my two boys, but week later- and I am stil stuck inside for the most part.

As the snow somewhat melts, it is dripping down in between the nooks and crannies of our gutters and roof and dripping out in many places in my house: through lights in the ceiling, the fan in the bathroom, windows, and some holes we had to drill in the ceiling in our guestroom- because the water was just pooling in the ceiling. ugh! I am SO over this SNOW! I think I could be happy if I never saw snow again.
The news keeps posting pictures and stories of people's damage and I guess ours isn't so bad, but I know it's going to take forever to get it fixed with issurance and such, and we have buckets collecting dirty water all over our house- and that just grosses me OUT!