Wednesday, April 21, 2010

8 months and exciting news :)

Owen my dear, you turned EIGHT months old and are OH so busy now!

You are crawling completely on your own, pulling up on anything you can and even shimmy-ing around the living room holding on to furniture/toys that are on your path. I have a sneaky feeling you won't be crawling long. I think you are moving on to a faster way of transportation.

You are a very good eater, eating just about anything we have tried. There are only two things you will not eat.(carrots and green beans) I have been offering you more grown up food items and you love it! You have eaten noodles, grilled cheese, cheese quesadillas, & all kinds of fruit.

This past month you went on your very first beach trip, it was a little chilly/windy so we didn't hang out much on the beach but you did get to put your toes in the sand and the water... you were very curious about it. You went swimming for the first time and absolutely LOVED it! I think you and I might be pool bums this summer, which is fine with me :).

You still haven't been sick, but I thought you might be and took you to the doctor only to find out you are cutting 5 teeth at one time... yep...FIVE... you have not been the usually happy camper/good sleeper that you are so we are hoping that these teeth break through fast. You already have two on the bottom, and seem to be getting 4 on top and on more on the bottom. I believe once this happens you will try to give up baby food... well you are already trying to eat/steal anything we are eating.

You are wearing either 9 month or 12 month clothes, and size 2 shoes.

This month you also discovered that you are going to be A BIG BROTHER! yep that is right.. sometime around NOVEMBER 21 another little one should be arriving. I think you will be so excited because you love other children and have always been interested in babies.

Owen your daddy and I are head over heels in love with you! We have had the best 8 months ever and look forward to each and evey milestone to come!


1 comment:

  1. congrats on the baby to be!! The old wives tale is proving true "when a baby develops fast it means another one is on the way".
