Holy Smokes! I can not believe I am writing this! Owen you turned ONE this past weekend. Your daddy and I are still trying to find out where the time went. We talk about this all the time. I guess time does fly when you are having fun! And boy are we having fun! We are having the times of life.
At ONE you:
*are walking and running all over the place. Climbing stairs is a favorite.
*weigh 20.5 lbs, and are 29.5 inches long
*you are wearing 12 months clothes
*size 3/4 shoe
* size 4 diaper
* are talking: you say; "who's dat?"(who's that?) to just about everybody we encounter in a day, even myself and your daddy. But if we ask you "who's that" you will answer dada or mama..(i love it!); you also say: no, mama, dada, and moe (more): You are talking up a storm, and the doctor told us you were far advance socially...
* you love to play with other children, and will bring toys to them, and talk to them when we are at playgroup. You babble all of the time when around other children... i wish i knew what was going on in that little mind of yours.
* you like to play chase- well you like mommy to chase you. you laugh and squeal the whole time. Sometimes i might just be walking around a room, and will take off running and laughing, of course then i have to go after you! Because you JUST love it!
* your sleep habits have become a chore. I have it down to a science though. If you get 2 good naps, in your crib then you sleep great at night(10 or more hours straight) And that's LOVELY! but if we skip a nap, or are out and about and you nap in the car/stroller you will be up at night at least once sometimes twice. It's great that I know I can count on a good nights sleep most days, but it also makes us stay in more that I would like. Sometimes its just not worth interrupting your nap schedule to get out and about. I do love that when we are at home you nap like a champ! You love to take your naps and almost never throw a fit. I always get in some good cuddle time before your naps too, which i love and wouldn't trade for anything!
* You have found a new love for books, we read to you when you were very little, but once you began moving you wanted nothing to do with sitting still and listening/looking at books with mama or daddy. But now, you bring me books from your stash to read, and you will sit and turn pages on your on while playing on the floor. You have found a new fondness for books and I LOVE it!
* You are eating mostly regular food, and sometimes some baby food. You really like the YoBaby yogurt with fruit and veggies mixed in, so we keep that handy. You have switched to whole milk, and have had no issues, and you drink it up. You are off bottles for the most part during the day, at night that is a different story. (you want that bottle when you are tired) You change your mind daily about what you will and won't eat, so we always try everything that we are eating and then see what you will and won't eat. You seem to really like noodles of any type; with sauce or with out it doesn't matter to you. You also like Yogurt, peanut butter, crackers, and fruit(mango, strawberries, grapes, pineapple, peaches, and applesauce)Vegetables, you are hit or miss, you liked them as baby food, but not so much now that we are giving you the real thing.
So, for your birthday you had several people fly in town to celebrate and about 30 of our family friends came to celebrate. We had a cook out at the park, and you played very hard, and loved every minute of it. You totally racked up on the toys, and I am still trying to find a place for everything, because at this moment toys are taking over our house. (i wouldn't have it any other way, but I am sure I can find some sort of organization :))
At ONE you:
*are walking and running all over the place. Climbing stairs is a favorite.
*weigh 20.5 lbs, and are 29.5 inches long
*you are wearing 12 months clothes
*size 3/4 shoe
* size 4 diaper
* are talking: you say; "who's dat?"(who's that?) to just about everybody we encounter in a day, even myself and your daddy. But if we ask you "who's that" you will answer dada or mama..(i love it!); you also say: no, mama, dada, and moe (more): You are talking up a storm, and the doctor told us you were far advance socially...
* you love to play with other children, and will bring toys to them, and talk to them when we are at playgroup. You babble all of the time when around other children... i wish i knew what was going on in that little mind of yours.
* you like to play chase- well you like mommy to chase you. you laugh and squeal the whole time. Sometimes i might just be walking around a room, and will take off running and laughing, of course then i have to go after you! Because you JUST love it!
* your sleep habits have become a chore. I have it down to a science though. If you get 2 good naps, in your crib then you sleep great at night(10 or more hours straight) And that's LOVELY! but if we skip a nap, or are out and about and you nap in the car/stroller you will be up at night at least once sometimes twice. It's great that I know I can count on a good nights sleep most days, but it also makes us stay in more that I would like. Sometimes its just not worth interrupting your nap schedule to get out and about. I do love that when we are at home you nap like a champ! You love to take your naps and almost never throw a fit. I always get in some good cuddle time before your naps too, which i love and wouldn't trade for anything!
* You have found a new love for books, we read to you when you were very little, but once you began moving you wanted nothing to do with sitting still and listening/looking at books with mama or daddy. But now, you bring me books from your stash to read, and you will sit and turn pages on your on while playing on the floor. You have found a new fondness for books and I LOVE it!
* You are eating mostly regular food, and sometimes some baby food. You really like the YoBaby yogurt with fruit and veggies mixed in, so we keep that handy. You have switched to whole milk, and have had no issues, and you drink it up. You are off bottles for the most part during the day, at night that is a different story. (you want that bottle when you are tired) You change your mind daily about what you will and won't eat, so we always try everything that we are eating and then see what you will and won't eat. You seem to really like noodles of any type; with sauce or with out it doesn't matter to you. You also like Yogurt, peanut butter, crackers, and fruit(mango, strawberries, grapes, pineapple, peaches, and applesauce)Vegetables, you are hit or miss, you liked them as baby food, but not so much now that we are giving you the real thing.
So, for your birthday you had several people fly in town to celebrate and about 30 of our family friends came to celebrate. We had a cook out at the park, and you played very hard, and loved every minute of it. You totally racked up on the toys, and I am still trying to find a place for everything, because at this moment toys are taking over our house. (i wouldn't have it any other way, but I am sure I can find some sort of organization :))
happy birthday!!