Owen turned 16 months on Tuesday and Holden was 2 weeks old on Tuesday!!!

WOW! I already can't believe how fast things are going..... I believe with Owen I was still laying on the couch wondering what my body had been through.... so to say it was easier the second time around would be an understatement... EVERYTHING has gone so much smoother and I feel so much better than after Owen. Maybe because I knew what to expect?
Ok... So my dear Owen, you are 16 months old... where did the time go! You are now a BIG brother, and you are being a great big brother so far... You are trying to help out in any way you can... and your favorite thing to do is kiss and pat your baby brother..
Now you don't like that mommy and daddy sometimes cover Holden up in "your" blankets... but right now you think everything is "yours", and you should... everything HAS been yours and now all of a sudden there is someone using them... You don't get too upset, you just try and take them away... once we tell you no, you don't really care.
You are growing up a storm, and I am seriously getting slack now for not cutting your hair.. so maybe we will do that soon.
You still only weigh about 21 lbs... but you are getting taller for sure, i am noticing it in your clothes. you were wearing 12 month everything and some 18 month shirts(and they were a little big) i am now noticing that those 12 month onsies are getting too short, and can barely be snapped. You can not wear any of your 12 month pj's anymore either.
You are talking up a storm... over 30 words the last time we counted... and you add more each day.. two new words are plane and train.
You have figured out how to go down the stairs now on your bum..but you still wait for mom or dad to go with you.
You are still sleeping great, most days taking 2 naps, and sleeping through the night. You are trying to give up one of those naps, but I still put you down to rest, you don't complain, you will just play in your crib and relax if you don't actually nap. Once you are bored of that you will call for me or your dad to come get you. I loved hearing your little voice calling for myself or your dad.
You are one loving little boy. It makes me so happy to have a little boy who loves to snuggle, hug and give kisses to us. We just love it!
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