You are TEN months old! You have now been out of my belly longer than you were in my belly! You have changed so very much in the past ten months - it amazes me EVERYDAY! You are seeming to becoming more of a "big boy" each day. You will ALWAYS be my baby though. You have pretty much given up eating all baby food, now I just need you to like your sippy cup better :).
This month we will be making the transition from formula to milk. I am hoping for a smooth transition. We have been letting you try more adults foods, and anything you can feed yourself has been a big hit. So far your favorite is noodles, and any kind of fruit. You make it known that you want to feed yourself, this makes for a very entertaining & messy lunch and dinner time. You have really become a pro at getting every bite in your little mouth.

The is the face you give me when you think mommy or daddy is chasing you. You love for us to "chase" you. You laugh and laugh SO loud. It makes us crack up with you. You LOVE to have fun, and we love to have fun with you.

"Come on.... try and get me mom!"
I can't believe that I have started planning your FIRST birthday party already! It doesn't seem right, the days are going WAY to quick! BUT in just 8 weeks we will be celebrating! It will be here before we know it! You even have guest flying in for the "BIG" event!
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