Thursday, October 7, 2010

14 months!

Today Owen you are 14 months old... It kind of seems unreal to me that my baby is 14 months old...
At 14 months you are:
- still wearing 12 months clothing for the most part. Pants are still somewhat big even in 12 months, you have started wearing some shirts and PJ's that are 18 months.
- your shoes are size 4-5 depending on the brand.
- you are starting to eat good again, the key i think is if and only if you can feed yourself.
- you LOVE milk, the DR said you should only have about 16oz of a milk a day, but you now ask for it, so I often give in. I figure you are asking for milk SO- I let you have it. Wouldn't it confuse you if you asked for milk I gave you water or juice....(at least that's what I tell myself)
- you are going to MMO, and you have a good time- always eat all your lunch- and seem to be worn out when I pick you up. You are always SO happy when I arrive to get you. Your teachers said you are real easy and a very good baby.
- we started going to MOPS this week, I'm not so sure you enjoyed the baby class, next time I will take you to the toddler class(which is for 18 months and older). You were content in the baby class, but I think you will have A LOT more FUN with bigger children.
-you still for the most part take 2 morning and one afternoon, and sleep 11 hours each night. You occasionally wake up at night, asking for milk, i give you a sip and you go right back down.
- you have a fairly large vocabulary between talking and signing:
words you can say: fish, dog, more, dad, mom, elmo, book, shirt, shoes, socks, hat, hot, banana, night-night, no, who's that, what's that
words you can sign: fish, dog, more, eat, milk, socks, shoes, banana, stop

You amaze your daddy and me everyday with new words, we can't keep up with all that you are saying.
You love to cuddle and sign before bedtime, your favorite song is "Sing" you call it La La... and when it the verse of la la's comes you will sing it with me sometimes....
You LOVE kisses and giving them to all your stuffed animals.
You also love to share your sippy cup and food(most of the time half eaten) with us- you always offer what ever you have to others- even to your toys.. :)

Owen you make your dad and I smile everyday! I am so in LOVE with you and watching you grow, learn and change each month brings me so much JOY.


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