I think time is going even faster now with two kids to keep me busy...

At one month:
Holden you are a mover... you were when you were in my belly so no surprises here.. you are rolling onto your side and are very close to rolling all the way over, I thinking if you had more time on the floor with out big brother trying to "play" with you; you would already have this mastered.... You are holding your head up and looking around. Owen completely fascinates you, you will follow him with your eyes all over the room. I'm thinking its because he moves so quick? You are smiling and we just heard your first little giggle.
You are a great eater, and so far a pretty good sleeper too... I guess those go hand in hand.... you eat well... and then you pass out- sleeping anywhere from 3-6 hours at a time.. (I appreciate this more than you know!)
You love the bath, your play mat, and the bouncy chair...
You are wearing 0-3 months clothes for the most part... outfits with feet you are almost too long for the 0-3 months, but anything any bigger swallows you. You are so long and skinny.
Holden, you have brought such JOY to our family. I can't now imagine life with out you here. You have made our family of 3 into a family of four and things feel so complete. I have enjoyed watching Owen become a caring, nurturing,& loving big brother too. You can see the love in his eyes. He has to check on you all the time, and if you begin to whine or cry he is the first to your side. He also loves to show you off when we have visitors. He can now say "brother" and he points at you. You are one lucky guy to have such a wonderful big brother.

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