So I am having a hard time blogging.... Trying to find things to write about??
But not today... nope! It's the 7th.... so that means Owen is FOUR months today :)!
I have said and know I will continue to say it but the past four months have flown! Why did four months seem so long when I was pregnant?
So Mr. Owen Dean.... Four Months you say? You seem bigger than ever!
This past month we traveled back to NC for your first Thanksgiving... not such a big deal to you this year, but next you will have a blast tasting all the yummy treats that everyone makes for this special holiday.
You did get to meet your cousin Les, who is 6 weeks younger than you. (I'm kicking myself that I didn't get a picture of you two together.)
You are turning into your own little person each day... starting to have a preference of what you do and when... I think its cute right now, but I am sure one day I might not think it's so cute.
You are sitting up some, you get tired and fall over so its good if you have something to lean on, but you can totally sit with your dad and watch TV... and yes you already seem to LOVE TV... it fascinates you.
You can roll both ways... but seem to forget how to roll from tummy to your back sometimes and get really frustrated... rolling from your tummy - well lets just say have that down pat. You have decided that you are a stomach sleeper rolling over as soon as i put you in your crib, i used to roll you back over but it never seemed to last very long before you were back on your tummy.. so I have given in. I still place you on your back (because that's what "they" say is best). You are sleeping full nights with no problem and your daddy and I are so proud of you!
You are talking up a storm and even love to sing along with music when daddy and mommy have the radio on or a CD... Music totally calms you down in the car when you have just about had enough riding around.
We are so excited for the next few weeks that are approaching.... You are going to have your very first Christmas... and we are going to have some visitors for the holidays!
Your stocking is hung, you have sat on Santa's lap and you already have presents under the tree.. I just can't wait to celebrate your first Christmas!
Owen.... you light up my life!
With Love,
I will update with height and weight after our DR visit..
You are wearing 3, 3-6, & 6 month clothing and even some 6-9 PJ's...
Monday, December 7, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
give away!
Check it out! Centsationalgirl is having a give away!
A Lisa Leonard piece of beautiful sterling silver!
A Lisa Leonard piece of beautiful sterling silver!
92 Days!
I cannot believe how fast the past 92 days have flown by. (92 days= 3 months)
Yep today my little one you are 3 months old :)

Here you are in one of your Halloween Costumes - you had many this year, daddy thought it was a bit crazy but it was your FIRST Halloween, so mommy wouldn't let you wear the same costume more than once, and we had several events that needed costumes..
So at THREE months you are really coming into a little person with a BIG personality!
You have outgrown all your 0-3 months PJ's just in the last week, and when i picked up some new 3-6 months one i knew you won't be in those very long either, they fit just right and aren't the least bit big.
This week we went through your closet and dresser and weeded through all the clothes that you have outgrown, and we filled up two boxes! You are one lucky little guy with tons of clothes. I am not sure whether to keep them, or pass them on to a friend... Your daddy is already talking about having a brother or sister around here pretty soon.
You are talking and jabbering away all the time, even in your sleep -daddy and I love to lay in bed and listen to you "signing" away as you sleep in your room... That's right you are now sleeping in your room. You transitioned very nicely... Everyone said I was going to have to let you cry it out, but i couldn't stand it... so we just kept trying, and when you got upset you would join us in our room, and them one night you just went to sleep - no problems, no crying, and you have been there ever since.(Such a BIG boy your are!)
You already love to sit up, and even try standing- of course with mommy or daddy holding you, but you bounce and giggle the whole time.
We have also figured out that you are very hot natured and even with the colder weather coming around you HATE to be hot, and mom can't bundle you the way she really wants to, b/c you begin to sweat and then throw and complete fit.
No doctors appointment this month so we will wait to see how much you have grown at your four month visit.
Well Mr. Owen Dean Taylor - you are the apple of my eye and the joy in my life, I love watching you grow and become into your own little person.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Road Trip #1
So we packed up the car and headed south! Owen had many people to visit for his first visit to North Carolina. It was a long ride, Owen did great, and was worn out when we returned home. On this trip Owen met his great-grandparents, his grandmother Taylor, Great-Aunt Lorine, Great-Aunt Penny, Cousin Noah, & Uncle David for the first time. At time Owen seemed to be a bit overwhelmed, but really was a trooper with little complaining.
On this trip mommy and daddy got to got see the panthers win their first game of the season, so it was a good trip for all!

sitting in my new rocker made by myUncle Larry

with my grandmother Taylor
with Aunt Lorinegetting some sugar from daddy before he heads to the game with mommy :)
with Grimier

With Uncle David

Owen with his great grand-parents: Gigi a& G-daddy

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
2 months old

WOW! I can't believe how fast the past 2 months have zoomed by. It really seems like a dream at times... I couldn't of even imagined what joy and happiness a little one could bring.
Owen you are 2 months today: you weigh 11.9 lbs. and are 23 inches long!
You are wearing size 0-3 months, your hair that was lost is now coming back in- looking much lighter than the dark brown hair you were born with. You sleep a good 6-7 hours each night with out waking mommy and daddy, but you are yet to sleep those hours in your crib. Daddy says you are too little to be so sad, so he never makes you stay in your crib. You can hold your head up for a could little bit, and are thoroughly enjoying your Bumbo Seat. You like to sit with daddy and watch football each Sunday, you sometimes doze off during the game, and don't even wake when your daddy is screaming at the TV. You enjoy tummy time, looking in the mirror and playing with your keys; in which you laugh and giggle the whole time - that is until you are tired and want to be held. You whine and fuss a little when tired, and other than that you aren't much of a cryer until bedtime and you go to your crib, where then you will scream relentlessly until someone gets you out.(this is only at night- during the day you dont mind your crib)
You smile all the time sometime making daddy cry, he has really become a sap since you have arrived.
Owen we have had a ball over the past 2 months, and look forward to many more laughs, smiles, and even cries.
Love you bunches..
Owen you are 2 months today: you weigh 11.9 lbs. and are 23 inches long!
You are wearing size 0-3 months, your hair that was lost is now coming back in- looking much lighter than the dark brown hair you were born with. You sleep a good 6-7 hours each night with out waking mommy and daddy, but you are yet to sleep those hours in your crib. Daddy says you are too little to be so sad, so he never makes you stay in your crib. You can hold your head up for a could little bit, and are thoroughly enjoying your Bumbo Seat. You like to sit with daddy and watch football each Sunday, you sometimes doze off during the game, and don't even wake when your daddy is screaming at the TV. You enjoy tummy time, looking in the mirror and playing with your keys; in which you laugh and giggle the whole time - that is until you are tired and want to be held. You whine and fuss a little when tired, and other than that you aren't much of a cryer until bedtime and you go to your crib, where then you will scream relentlessly until someone gets you out.(this is only at night- during the day you dont mind your crib)
You smile all the time sometime making daddy cry, he has really become a sap since you have arrived.
Owen we have had a ball over the past 2 months, and look forward to many more laughs, smiles, and even cries.
Love you bunches..
Fast Forward 2 months....

So I am not so good at this blogging thing...
Owen arrived on 8-7-09 at 9:51. I have jumped into mommyhood head first and absolutely love it! He is the best thing that has happened to my husband and myself. He makes me smile everyday, and sometimes even brings me to tears... tears of JOY of course.
I am going to have to play around with this blogging thing a little; getting my BLOG (wow, that sounds weird..."my blog") the way I want it (you all have such cute blogs), learning how to upload pictures... listing the blogs i follow, and joining in on some of these blog parties.
Owen arrived on 8-7-09 at 9:51. I have jumped into mommyhood head first and absolutely love it! He is the best thing that has happened to my husband and myself. He makes me smile everyday, and sometimes even brings me to tears... tears of JOY of course.
I am going to have to play around with this blogging thing a little; getting my BLOG (wow, that sounds weird..."my blog") the way I want it (you all have such cute blogs), learning how to upload pictures... listing the blogs i follow, and joining in on some of these blog parties.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Hello Blog World
I have always said I would not write a blog! Two reasons for this are: my life is nothing exciting that anyone would want to read about - ONE, and TWO I have always been a horrible writer... English being my worst subject. I can't spell worth a darn, and grammar.... I'm sure if I had to edit something I wouldn't know where the comma needed to live vs. a dash, period, or any other type of punctuation. But here I am blog world, writing my very first post, on my very own Blog...
So how did I get here you ask.... Well.... it began with getting pregnant - I guess...
My husband and I had one conversation last November (2008) about becoming parents, and by the end of the month I had peed on several sticks that all told us the very same news... We would be parents in 2009, sometime in the beginning of August if everything went as planned. Not to long after that I began working a temporary job sitting behind a computer. This was where I became addicted to the blog world. Sitting behind a desk all day without enough work to keep me busy for eight hours, I began to search all things about pregnancy, parenthood, and babies. I began to follow well over 25 blogs daily all mommy related. I thought I was educating myself for what was about to be. Soon I began coming home from work and updating my husband on families from all over going through life: the good, the bad, and the ugly -all that life brings. My husband thought I was nuts, I didn't know these people, but I updated him like we were best friends, sometimes so emotionaly involved. As my blog obsession continued, I began reading not only mommy blogs, but home decorating, and craft blogs.... neither area in which I am very talented - but always trying. Many of these blogs had "blog parties" and I was always jealous that I couldn't participate - remembering my rule, that I WOULD NEVER WRITE A BLOG. (I actually made fun/joked about friends who blogged)
Fast forward 9 months - It's August, no baby yet - but I am not working any longer, and I have been preparing for motherhood, and with my husbands encouragement I am going to "try" blogging about our parenthood adventures and other adventures that life brings. My husband and I are both very laid back, and really like to take life as it comes. We are so thrilled to become parents, and look forward to all adventures that are yet to come.

Here I am waiting for Owen's arrival!
So how did I get here you ask.... Well.... it began with getting pregnant - I guess...
My husband and I had one conversation last November (2008) about becoming parents, and by the end of the month I had peed on several sticks that all told us the very same news... We would be parents in 2009, sometime in the beginning of August if everything went as planned. Not to long after that I began working a temporary job sitting behind a computer. This was where I became addicted to the blog world. Sitting behind a desk all day without enough work to keep me busy for eight hours, I began to search all things about pregnancy, parenthood, and babies. I began to follow well over 25 blogs daily all mommy related. I thought I was educating myself for what was about to be. Soon I began coming home from work and updating my husband on families from all over going through life: the good, the bad, and the ugly -all that life brings. My husband thought I was nuts, I didn't know these people, but I updated him like we were best friends, sometimes so emotionaly involved. As my blog obsession continued, I began reading not only mommy blogs, but home decorating, and craft blogs.... neither area in which I am very talented - but always trying. Many of these blogs had "blog parties" and I was always jealous that I couldn't participate - remembering my rule, that I WOULD NEVER WRITE A BLOG. (I actually made fun/joked about friends who blogged)
Fast forward 9 months - It's August, no baby yet - but I am not working any longer, and I have been preparing for motherhood, and with my husbands encouragement I am going to "try" blogging about our parenthood adventures and other adventures that life brings. My husband and I are both very laid back, and really like to take life as it comes. We are so thrilled to become parents, and look forward to all adventures that are yet to come.

Here I am waiting for Owen's arrival!
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