I cannot believe how fast the past 92 days have flown by. (92 days= 3 months)
Yep today my little one you are 3 months old :)

Here you are in one of your Halloween Costumes - you had many this year, daddy thought it was a bit crazy but it was your FIRST Halloween, so mommy wouldn't let you wear the same costume more than once, and we had several events that needed costumes..
So at THREE months you are really coming into a little person with a BIG personality!
You have outgrown all your 0-3 months PJ's just in the last week, and when i picked up some new 3-6 months one i knew you won't be in those very long either, they fit just right and aren't the least bit big.
This week we went through your closet and dresser and weeded through all the clothes that you have outgrown, and we filled up two boxes! You are one lucky little guy with tons of clothes. I am not sure whether to keep them, or pass them on to a friend... Your daddy is already talking about having a brother or sister around here pretty soon.
You are talking and jabbering away all the time, even in your sleep -daddy and I love to lay in bed and listen to you "signing" away as you sleep in your room... That's right you are now sleeping in your room. You transitioned very nicely... Everyone said I was going to have to let you cry it out, but i couldn't stand it... so we just kept trying, and when you got upset you would join us in our room, and them one night you just went to sleep - no problems, no crying, and you have been there ever since.(Such a BIG boy your are!)
You already love to sit up, and even try standing- of course with mommy or daddy holding you, but you bounce and giggle the whole time.
We have also figured out that you are very hot natured and even with the colder weather coming around you HATE to be hot, and mom can't bundle you the way she really wants to, b/c you begin to sweat and then throw and complete fit.
No doctors appointment this month so we will wait to see how much you have grown at your four month visit.
Well Mr. Owen Dean Taylor - you are the apple of my eye and the joy in my life, I love watching you grow and become into your own little person.
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