Monday, December 7, 2009

Who ever knew 4 months could go so fast?

So I am having a hard time blogging.... Trying to find things to write about??
But not today... nope! It's the 7th.... so that means Owen is FOUR months today :)!

I have said and know I will continue to say it but the past four months have flown! Why did four months seem so long when I was pregnant?

So Mr. Owen Dean.... Four Months you say? You seem bigger than ever!

This past month we traveled back to NC for your first Thanksgiving... not such a big deal to you this year, but next you will have a blast tasting all the yummy treats that everyone makes for this special holiday.
You did get to meet your cousin Les, who is 6 weeks younger than you. (I'm kicking myself that I didn't get a picture of you two together.)

You are turning into your own little person each day... starting to have a preference of what you do and when... I think its cute right now, but I am sure one day I might not think it's so cute.

You are sitting up some, you get tired and fall over so its good if you have something to lean on, but you can totally sit with your dad and watch TV... and yes you already seem to LOVE TV... it fascinates you.
You can roll both ways... but seem to forget how to roll from tummy to your back sometimes and get really frustrated... rolling from your tummy - well lets just say have that down pat. You have decided that you are a stomach sleeper rolling over as soon as i put you in your crib, i used to roll you back over but it never seemed to last very long before you were back on your tummy.. so I have given in. I still place you on your back (because that's what "they" say is best). You are sleeping full nights with no problem and your daddy and I are so proud of you!
You are talking up a storm and even love to sing along with music when daddy and mommy have the radio on or a CD... Music totally calms you down in the car when you have just about had enough riding around.
We are so excited for the next few weeks that are approaching.... You are going to have your very first Christmas... and we are going to have some visitors for the holidays!
Your stocking is hung, you have sat on Santa's lap and you already have presents under the tree.. I just can't wait to celebrate your first Christmas!

Owen.... you light up my life!
With Love,

I will update with height and weight after our DR visit..
You are wearing 3, 3-6, & 6 month clothing and even some 6-9 PJ's...

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