Friday, October 21, 2011

Fall and first "real" haircut

Fall is in full swing here. It's gorgeous! I took the boys out and captured some fall photos.

Here are a few pictures of owen's first real hair cut. Up until now I've cut it at home.

And one more picture of my almost one year old. :(

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The pumpkin patch.

Our trip to the pumpkin patch was tons of fun! Cookie was here and joined us and all around we all had a blast! We choose the perfect time to go, it wasn't crowded and the weather was absolutely gorgeous! The battery on my good camera died so the iPhone was the back up. Enjoy all the pictures!

Such a fun day!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

10 months!

In a blink and you are ten months old. Yep my baby is TEN months old. It makes me sad that he is growing up so fast but I also see his personality coming out and as he is getting closer and closer to toddlerhood- it makes me smile at the person/man he will become one day.

Holden is one super fast baby. He never stops moving! I guess it's because he tries to keep up with his brother. Holden is a constantly on the go and is so efficient at getting where he wants to be crawling, cruising, and climbing- but is yet to walk.
We have moved Holden in with Owen and they both love sharing a room. Maybe they feel safe in there together but it's been great. My fears of waking each other hasn't happened even when holden got sick and woke up in the middle of the night.
So currently Holden is getting over a double ear infection- it hasn't been awful but still not much fun having a sick baby. We have also had some pretty icky weather. So at least we weren't missing much while stuck at hone with a sick one.
Grandpa came to visit this weekend and we had lots of fun just playing around the house because 40 degrees plus rain all weekend canceled our plans to the pumpkin patch.
We are still having to watch holden's weight. He was 17.12lbs this month, and that is great!!! We will continue monthly visits at least until the 12 month visit and then see where we are from there. This is and was an issue with Owen too but Holden was almost a pound bigger when he was born. The biggest problem is they are both so active they burn more calories than come in sometimes. Both kids like to eat fruit, yogurt, & vegetables, which is fantastic but not when needing more calories. I'm constantly trying to add calories to the food they eat. Holden will now eat cottage cheese mixed with fruit- and this is awesome. Lots of protein! He has also been eating avocado really well, which is great for brain development and a great source of healthy fats. Owen won't touch either one, and now that he's talking non-stop he tells me it's yucky... Which is hysterical to me- because we never use the word yucky around here.... :) so I have no clue where that came from.
Holden is also starting o say and sign a few things. Holden can say mama and dada, and is signing more. He will sign more for lots of things. If he wants to play in the bathroom- he will sit outside the closed door and sign more. Since the bathroom isn't a place we okay he doesn't usually get his way here. :) but it's still pretty cute. He will sign more if you are eating something he thinks he wants, or if you are drinking out of a can... He loves can drinks- I think it's the flashiness of the aluminum.? He doesn't know what's in it, but he always wants them. He will also sign more if Owen takes a toy from him... It's like he is saying I want more time with that toy!
Holden now has 6 teeth. 4 on top and two on the bottom- that toothy smile is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen.
Holden is the best thing that happened to Owen. Owen is obsessed with Holden. It is by far the greatest gift of parenthood to watch the love these two boys have for each other.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fall Fun!

Fall has begun, and I LOVE it! There are so many things I love about fall; fall fashions, beautiful weather, fall colors, football, warm cozy blankets, planting bulbs for spring, fall foods, and fall outings! We have lots on our fall todo list and it seems each weekend is packed full of fun! Here are pictures from our apple picking/flower picking adventure this week.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011