Monday, October 19, 2009

Road Trip #1

So we packed up the car and headed south! Owen had many people to visit for his first visit to North Carolina. It was a long ride, Owen did great, and was worn out when we returned home. On this trip Owen met his great-grandparents, his grandmother Taylor, Great-Aunt Lorine, Great-Aunt Penny, Cousin Noah, & Uncle David for the first time. At time Owen seemed to be a bit overwhelmed, but really was a trooper with little complaining.
On this trip mommy and daddy got to got see the panthers win their first game of the season, so it was a good trip for all!
With Aunt Penny & Noah
sitting in my new rocker made by myUncle Larry

with my grandmother Taylor
with Aunt Lorinegetting some sugar from daddy before he heads to the game with mommy :)

with Grimier

With Uncle David

Owen with his great grand-parents: Gigi a& G-daddy

with Mimi & Pops

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

2 months old

WOW! I can't believe how fast the past 2 months have zoomed by. It really seems like a dream at times... I couldn't of even imagined what joy and happiness a little one could bring.

Owen you are 2 months today: you weigh 11.9 lbs. and are 23 inches long!
You are wearing size 0-3 months, your hair that was lost is now coming back in- looking much lighter than the dark brown hair you were born with. You sleep a good 6-7 hours each night with out waking mommy and daddy, but you are yet to sleep those hours in your crib. Daddy says you are too little to be so sad, so he never makes you stay in your crib. You can hold your head up for a could little bit, and are thoroughly enjoying your Bumbo Seat. You like to sit with daddy and watch football each Sunday, you sometimes doze off during the game, and don't even wake when your daddy is screaming at the TV. You enjoy tummy time, looking in the mirror and playing with your keys; in which you laugh and giggle the whole time - that is until you are tired and want to be held. You whine and fuss a little when tired, and other than that you aren't much of a cryer until bedtime and you go to your crib, where then you will scream relentlessly until someone gets you out.(this is only at night- during the day you dont mind your crib)
You smile all the time sometime making daddy cry, he has really become a sap since you have arrived.
Owen we have had a ball over the past 2 months, and look forward to many more laughs, smiles, and even cries.
Love you bunches..

Fast Forward 2 months....

So I am not so good at this blogging thing...
Owen arrived on 8-7-09 at 9:51. I have jumped into mommyhood head first and absolutely love it! He is the best thing that has happened to my husband and myself. He makes me smile everyday, and sometimes even brings me to tears... tears of JOY of course.
I am going to have to play around with this blogging thing a little; getting my BLOG (wow, that sounds weird..."my blog") the way I want it (you all have such cute blogs), learning how to upload pictures... listing the blogs i follow, and joining in on some of these blog parties.