Sunday, April 29, 2012


Life with two high energy kids keeps me busy, and with all that's going on I neglect to update. These updates are for me mostly, so I can look back at these precious times that seem to be flying by. I need to be better about updating.
Holden is 17 months. Almost 1.5 yrs old. I still feel like I was just pregnant. He is a very active, very wild and very happy little boy. He talks up a storm, loves to sing, and even more loves to dance. Some of his favorite songs are : of your happy and you know it, wheels on the bus, .& ring around the rosey.
Owen is 2.5 yrs old and acts like such a big boy. He decided he was ready for underwear and we haven't looked back, no accidents- I believe he was just ready. We haven't given him prizes, but not every single time he goes- more of a reward for just doing a great job. We've left him in the tot room at the gym, and been to birthdays parties both of which I thought he might get distracted. But he did great! I am one proud mama. We also moved him to a toddler bed and he's so excited! Hopefully that continues to go well too.
So, all is well. Everyone's doing great and growing up before my eyes. Too fast!!!

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