Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Holden: 7,8,& 9 months

Wow! I can't believe Holden is 9 months old today! We have had such a busy summer full of travels and home remodeling and construction.
Holden finally cut his two bottom teeth two weeks ago, we have been waiting on teeth for a while and they both came through at the same time.
Holden has earned a new nick name "pig". Now that Holden is eating food- he has totally earned this name. He is often cleaning up owen's left overs if it's possible. He is loving all kinds of foods: pasta, rice, yogurt, peas, carrots, bread, melon, peaches, strawberries, pancakes, oatmeal, banana,& potatoes( all in real food form) so far with baby food you eat everything we have tried. Sometimes you make funny faces but continue to eat what ever it may be. Hence the nick name- pig :)
Holden began Scooting about a month ago, crawling about 2 weeks ago, and now cruising along anything he can pull up with.

Since being able to move he has been really playing with Owen. I love it!!! It's the coolest thing to watch my boys loving each others companionship- I know one day they will be fighting, but for now they 100% love each other! They laugh and giggle all the time. Owen talks to Holden calling him "haha" or "pig" and it's the cutest thing ever! Owen has learned his shapes and some of his colors and he is trying to teach Holden along with the animal sounds- I just can't get enough of this big brother love and action! Holden couldn't have gotten a better brother- Owen has never had jealousy over Holden. He wants to make sure Holden is happy 100% of the time, he wants to share everything with him, kiss him, hug him, play with him and teach him. When Holden isn't around Owen ask about him over and over, he is quite concerned.

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