Friday, February 12, 2010

I am sick....of the snow

This is still what my street looks like and probably will continue to look like this for a while, since we are getting about an inch in flurries everyday around here. The snow at first was amazing...I have never seen this much snow at once(well outside of a ski resort). The snow was so pretty, I looked forward to a few days cuddled up with my two boys, but week later- and I am stil stuck inside for the most part.

As the snow somewhat melts, it is dripping down in between the nooks and crannies of our gutters and roof and dripping out in many places in my house: through lights in the ceiling, the fan in the bathroom, windows, and some holes we had to drill in the ceiling in our guestroom- because the water was just pooling in the ceiling. ugh! I am SO over this SNOW! I think I could be happy if I never saw snow again.
The news keeps posting pictures and stories of people's damage and I guess ours isn't so bad, but I know it's going to take forever to get it fixed with issurance and such, and we have buckets collecting dirty water all over our house- and that just grosses me OUT!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

mama blog link up...


Happy Half birthday!

Weight: 16.7 lbs Height: 26.5 inches

This is the face that I get to hang with on a daily basis & I am loving every minute of it!

I seriously can't believe how fast the last 6 months have gone, and to tell you the truth I had a little break down this month... I had originally signed you up for part-time care starting when you were 7 months old(i wanted to wait until after you had a flu shot). The time flew and March was coming much faster than I had wanted it to. So your daddy and I have decided that it would be best for you not to go to school yet, and I will continue to stay home and play/mother/ and hang with my favorite little guy ever! We are very lucky daddy has a good job and this is a choice for us.

Now that you are six months old you are acting so much more like a little man. You are into everything..and I mean everything! You are not as satisfied with the same options all the time anymore to stay entertained. We have brought out many new toys and you are thrilled with them. You seem to gravitate towards anything that makes noise and the louder the better! :) Your favorite is still you exersaucer, but you also really like your move and groove music table. Your alligator xylophone is a big hit too!

You are grabbing not only for toys, but for people.. You will reach out for me(if I am not holding you) but you also are reaching for other people too...This makes me smile when you reach for me- i don't think i can get enough!

You have begun to really watch what is on the TV. Your aunt B. bought you the whole baby Einstein video collection, but it seems you would rather watch Big Bird sings Karaoke...You love that is like baby crack :) i can get some things done around the house because of this video.

You are SO big i just can't believe it! At 6 months you are:

Sitting up on your own,

standing(holding onto things,people, or furniture)

Talking ALL the time ( your favorite- i don't think you know this is the beginning of daddy.. i think they are just easy sounds to say).

You go to sleep on your own, and sleep on your stomach.

You love to eat

No teeth yet, but i am sure they are around the corner - you drool like crazy!

You love it when the neighbors kids come over, i think you are going to be a social bug.

You are the best thing that happen to me!

I love you so much it hurts!


And here are some snow pictures from the huge snow storm that hit us this weekend!

our house

the the door