So how did I get here you ask.... Well.... it began with getting pregnant - I guess...
My husband and I had one conversation last November (2008) about becoming parents, and by the end of the month I had peed on several sticks that all told us the very same news... We would be parents in 2009, sometime in the beginning of August if everything went as planned. Not to long after that I began working a temporary job sitting behind a computer. This was where I became addicted to the blog world. Sitting behind a desk all day without enough work to keep me busy for eight hours, I began to search all things about pregnancy, parenthood, and babies. I began to follow well over 25 blogs daily all mommy related. I thought I was educating myself for what was about to be. Soon I began coming home from work and updating my husband on families from all over going through life: the good, the bad, and the ugly -all that life brings. My husband thought I was nuts, I didn't know these people, but I updated him like we were best friends, sometimes so emotionaly involved. As my blog obsession continued, I began reading not only mommy blogs, but home decorating, and craft blogs.... neither area in which I am very talented - but always trying. Many of these blogs had "blog parties" and I was always jealous that I couldn't participate - remembering my rule, that I WOULD NEVER WRITE A BLOG. (I actually made fun/joked about friends who blogged)
Fast forward 9 months - It's August, no baby yet - but I am not working any longer, and I have been preparing for motherhood, and with my husbands encouragement I am going to "try" blogging about our parenthood adventures and other adventures that life brings. My husband and I are both very laid back, and really like to take life as it comes. We are so thrilled to become parents, and look forward to all adventures that are yet to come.

Here I am waiting for Owen's arrival!